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Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Part II | Option | Course not offered in 2024/25

NOT RUNNING for 24/25

This paper introduces the Chinese language through comparative and historical linguistic perspectives.

The paper aims to provide a linguistic introduction to the Chinese language through synchronic and diachronic comparisons. In addition to basic information such as genealogical classification, typological characteristics and areal links, the Chinese language will also be introduced through comparisons with other languages such as English and Japanese in terms of grammatical features. Mandarin Chinese will be compared with other varieties of the Chinese language (e.g., Cantonese).

We discuss the historical development of words and sentence structures (e.g., word order, ba-construction, bei-construction) from Early Archaic Chinese to Modern Chinese and analyse the underlying reasons for the development. Prosodic and sociolinguistic factors will be brought into the explanations where appropriate. In addition, the paper will attempt to develop an understanding of the acquisition of Chinese grammar (e.g., wh-words in questions and beyond; sentence-final particles such as le, ne, ma, ba) by second language learners, highlighting factors influencing the acquisition, developmental patterns, and ultimate attainment.

Form and Conduct

This paper will consist of two passages in Chinese for translation into English, and six essay questions, of which two must be attempted. Candidates will be allowed to use copies of Chinese-Chinese dictionaries provided.


This paper is borrowed by Linguistic students of Part II, given sufficient language proficiency

This description is subject to change, for the latest information, students should consult the Undergraduate Handbook available on the Faculty Intranet.


Terms taught
Michaelmas, Lent
Michaelmas, Lent