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Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies



As a postgraduate student at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, you will become part of a vibrant intellectual community. All of our postgraduate students work alongside Faculty staff, post-doctoral researchers and affiliated researchers. You will be encouraged to take part in our busy programme of lectures, seminars and talks. A rich programme of cultural events is also offered by other departments across the University and affiliated research institutions all of which make Cambridge a uniquely stimulating intellectual environment for its postgraduate students.

The Faculty welcomes applications from highly motivated postgraduates who are interested in pursuing their studies in Middle Eastern or East Asian Studies. Our postgraduate degrees enable you to pursue a vast range of interests across the history, literature, language, culture and politics of the regions we cover.



Supervisors - Middle Eastern Studies

HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal University Associate Professor in Middle Eastern Studies, Assistant Director, HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies

*Dr Anderson will be on sabbatical in 2025/6. He will therefore not be able to accept any postgraduate students for supervision from MT2025 - ET2026.*

Dr Anderson is open to receiving applications for MPhil and PhD projects from students with a training in social anthropology, who want to work on projects that contribute to current debates in anthropology, particularly in relation to the anthropology of Islam, ethics or commerce; or the anthropology of Syria.

Applicants for PhD study should have some prior academic training in anthropology, which is also usually offered as part of the MPhil by advanced study programme.

Research interests: Social anthropology, relating to Islam, and the sociality of trade. Trading networks connecting China to markets in West Asia and Arabic-speaking countries

University Associate Professor in the Eastern Islamic Lands and Persian-Speaking World

Dr Ashraf welcomes inquiries from prospective MPhil and PhD students who are interested in projects relating to the history of Iran and the Persian-speaking world, from the early modern to modern periods broadly defined.

Research interests: Comparative empires; the ‘Persianate world’; imperial and state formation; political culture; Persian historiography; history, memory, and the politics of knowledge.

Professor in the History and Culture of the Maghrib

Professor Bennison is happy to supervise graduate students in work relating to the pre-modern history of the Maghrib and Islamic cultural history, including the Medieval Islamic West

Research interests: The medieval Islamic West; 18th-19th century Muslim religio-political discourse and state structures especially in the Maghrib; Islamic cultural history

University Associate Professor in Hebrew
Research interests: Ancient Hebrew philology and linguistics, Ancient Hebrew periodization, exegesis

Assistant Professor in Hebrew and the Jews of the Mediaeval Middle East

Dr Kantor would be happy to supervise students with similar research interests.

Research interests: Biblical Hebrew; Medieval (and Late Antique) Hebrew Reading/Vocalisation Traditions; Medieval Hebrew and Arabic Grammarians; Judaeo-Arabic; Medieval Arabic Bible Translation; Semitic Philology; Greek of Judaea-Palestine; Jewish Translations of the Bible into Greek (e.g., LXX, Aquila)

Regius Professor of Hebrew

Professor Khan is happy to supervise projects relating to any area of his research.

Research interests: Semitic philological and linguistic studies, particularly of Biblical Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic. Also endangered dialects of Neo-Aramaic and the history of Judaeo-Arabic, including modern spoken varieties.

Professor of Classical Arabic Studies

Professor Marsham is happy to supervise graduate students in work relating to pre-modern Islamic History.

Research interests: Islamic History; Late Antiquity; Political Culture in Early Islam; Empire and State Formation; Arabic Historiography; Comparative and Transregional History

Assistant Professor in Modern Arabic Studies

Dr Monier is open to supervising research on the following topics:

The politics of the modern Arab World.

State-Society relations in Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, the UAE, Bahrain and Oman.

Nationalism and state-building.

Identity politics and sectarianism.


Regional power, geopolitics and Arab diplomacy.


Research interests: Citizenship and state-building; conceptual and political history; societal cohesion and security; geopolitics; diplomacy; religion and international relations.

Sir Thomas Adams's Professor of Arabic

Professor Montgomery is interested in supervising students with similar research interests.

Research interests: History of ideas in classical Islam; classical Arabic literature; literary translation.

University Associate Professor in Modern Arabic Literature and Culture

Dr Olszok is happy to supervise students who wish to work in fields of Arabic literature in which she has expertise.

Research interests: Modern and Contemporary Arabic Literature; Comparative Literature; Animal and Eco-critical Studies.

Kennedy Leigh Professor of Modern Hebrew Studies

Prof Peleg welcomes inquiries from potential MPhil and PhD students with research interests relevant to his interests in modern Hebrew literary history, Israeli cinema and Israeli culture more generally, primarily the creation of a native Hebrew culture in Palestine/Eretz Israel at the beginning of the twentieth century and its legacy.

Research interests: Modern Hebrew literary history; Israeli cinema and culture; the creation and legacy of a native Hebrew culture at the beginning of the 20th century

Ali Reza & Mohamed Soudavar Professor of Persian Studies, Head of Department and Co-Chair of the Faculty


*Prof van Ruymbeke will be on sabbatical in 2025/6. She will therefore not be able to accept any postgraduate students for supervision from MT2025 - ET2026.*

Prof van Ruymbeke welcomes approaches from potential graduate students with research interests relevant to hers. She requests that prospective students email her to discuss their proposed projects before sending in their applications.

Dr Christine van Ruymbeke talks about postgraduate studies in Persian Literature

Research interests: Classical Persian Literature, Modern Persian poetry, Poetics and Rhetorics, Science and poetry, Nezami Ganjavi, Persian Animal Fables as Mirror for Princes, Kalila wa Dimna, Anvar-i Sohayli, ‘Iyar-e Danesh, Khamriyya, Eskandar, Politics and poetry, Comparative literature, Persia’ s presence in the European world, Codicology, Persian manuscripts and paintings, Botanical representations in classical Persian paintings, Iranian cinema, Rewritings

Supervisors - East Asian Studies

Keidanren Professor of Japanese Studies

Having supervised graduate students in a range of fields, including premodern and modern Japanese history, premodern literature as well as Buddhism, Professor Adolphson would welcome enquiries from motivated graduate students and young scholars from across the world.

Research interests: Social structures, ideologies, mentalitée, religious institutions, legal history, historical documents and international trade in Medieval Japan

Professor of the Anthropology of China

I am happy to supervise postgraduate research students in the areas of Chinese religious and ritual life; social and cultural change in modern/contemporary China; Chinese environmentalism(s); the local state; urban renewal; China and the overseas Chinese and other topics relating to social anthropology of contemporary China.

I supervise students for both MPhil and PhD research on a wide range of topics. Current and past students have worked on topics including: the financing of the local state through land sales; the PRC’s bilingual policies for minority nationalities; political factors in the pricing of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy in contemporary China; economic development and religion in a Shanxi Catholic village; overseas Chinese students' luxury consumption; urban re-development and city branding; the rise of vegetarian restaurants in Taiwan; court practices in contemporary urban China; Chinese-language schools and the re-sinicisation of the Sino-Thai; self-portraits in contemporary Chinese avant-garde art; neighbourhood dance groups and contested urban spaces; Haier in India; migrant workers' protests; the development of heritage culture in a local town in Shandong; the registration of householder Daoist priests; the late Qing government's policies towards the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia; mainland Chinese immigrants in a new town in the New Territories of Hong Kong; the culture of wine drinking and connoisseurship in contemporary urban China; Hui Muslim cultural practices and identity in China; civil society and popular bloggers; the contemporary Chinese painter LIU Ye; Chinese foodways in the era of the internet; Tibetan Buddhism amongst the Han; the worship of the Yellow Emperor in contemporary China; money and popular religion in north China; goddess cults in southeast coastal China; Buddhist clerics in Wuhan during the early PRC period; temple cults in Malaysia; the formation of the 'education sphere' (教育界) in China in the early 20th century; name-changing practices amongst the Sino-Thai; etc.

I will be on sabbatical leave during the 2025-26 academic year and will not take on new MPhil students for that year. However, I will still consider PhD applications for 2025 entry.

Research interests: Social and cultural transformations in contemporary China; Chinese religions, especially their social aspects; ritual theories; Indonesian Chinese returnees

Teaching Associate in Modern Chinese History
Research interests:

University Associate Professor in the Study of Late Imperial China

I welcome proposals for graduate work in the areas of late-imperial Chinese literature, print culture, and Chinese religions.

Research interests: Chinese history, premodern Chinese literature, religious practice in China, print culture and history of the book, travel and pilgrimage, and popular culture. I am particularly interested in the interplay between literature and religion in late-imperial China (primarily during the Ming and Qing dynasties). I am also interested in the history of the book, travel and pilgrimage, popular culture, and religious practice.

Chong Hua Professor of Chinese Development

Unconstrained by most disciplinary boundaries and with broad interests, I have supervised and worked with PhD students in politics, sociology, development studies, law, history, and area studies.  I am eager to work with exceptional graduate students seeking to take on big challenges and substantively important topics, ready to spend significant energy and time extracting and gathering original data at close range, and aspiring to develop and deploy new concepts, theories, and ideas to shake and remake the field.

Research interests: My first book, The Chinese Worker after Socialism (Cambridge 2009), was based on over 300 interviews with workers, managers, officials, and others across nine Chinese cities over nearly two years of fieldwork and constituted the most thorough and detailed study of the millions displaced and dislocated by state-owned enterprise reform during the 1990s and early 2000s. It also remains one of the most careful and systematic subnational comparative analyses of any topic in Chinese politics to date. My second book, Ruling Before the Law: the Politics of Legal Regimes in China and Indonesia (Cambridge 2018) is among the most comprehensive works on the politics of law and legal institutions in either country, based on extensive fieldwork in rural and urban areas across multiple Indonesian and Chinese provinces and covering the entire period from 1949 to 2017. My current and ongoing research focuses largely a book for which I have been gathering sources and materials since 2010. It is on land politics and how changes in land regimes in the 1950s and 1960s have shaped trajectories of political, social, and economic development and change in Mainland China, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Malaysia. My three most significant monograph projects, therefore, have centred on labour, law, and land, respectively. A second ongoing book project is on US-China relations from 1900-2020, using careful analysis of domestic politics in both countries, as well as international structural factors, to explain the changing dynamics of the world’s most consequential bilateral relationship over the past 120 years. This book represents the culmination of a move into the study and teaching of international relations that I’ve had underway since 2007. Aside from these books and book-length projects, I have also worked on other topics and published articles on aspects of: urban politics, rural governance, social movements and contention, political economy, and welfare/social protection. I remain interested in a wide range of subjects and look forward to continuing to develop new research strands.

University Associate Professor in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture

Dr Inwood is happy to supervise students in topics relating to her research on modern and contemporary Chinese literature, culture and media.

Research interests: Chinese contemporary genre fiction and poetry; popular, fan and folk cultures; internet culture and society; media studies; sociology of literature and culture

University Assistant Professor in Korean Studies
Research interests: History of modern Korea. The history of knowledge, especially the history of academia and alternative knowledge regimes. Historiography and historical memory. New religious movements.

On sabbatical: October, 2024 to September, 2026
Professor of East Asian History

*Professor Kushner will be on sabbatical leave until September of 2026 but welcomes applications for the PhD programme with a start in the fall of 2025. Potential applicants should contact Professor Kushner directly for queries about 2025 admission.*

Prof. Kushner is pleased to supervise graduate students interested in imperial and postwar Japanese history, 20th century Japan-Taiwan, as well as Sino-Japanese relations, the history of the Cold War in East Asia, and history of war crimes in East Asia.

Research interests: Modern East Asian history - including Japan, Taiwan, and China - in particular the wartime, postwar imperial dissolution of the Japanese Empire, and the Cold War in East Asia, as well as history of war crimes, memory politics and the pursuit of justice.

Professor of Early Modern Japanese Literature and Culture, Head of Department and Co-Chair of the Faculty

Prof Moretti welcomes graduate students interested in Japanese premodern and early modern literature. She also strongly encourages projects that investigate early modern Japanese culture more broadly, including visual culture and woodblock prints; book history and/or textual scholarship in Japan; Japanese palaeography and calligraphy, and art.. She is also keen to supervise projects that work on issues of adaptation, canon-making, intervisuality, playfulness, humour, satire, metafiction, didactic prose, medicine in popular culture, and transmedia storytelling.


Research interests: Prof Laura Moretti's research focusses on early modern Japanese popular literature and culture. Prof Moretti's projects are inherently interdisiplinary, placed at the intersection of literature, art history, book history, textual scholarship, and palaeography. Working with both books and visual media, including woodblock prints and board games, and combining rigorous close reading of a wide range of archival materials with bold intellectual arguments, Prof Moretti's research challenges our understanding of literature and wishes to retrieve textual traditions that have been silenced after the encounter of Japanese literature with "modernity". Prof Moretti's research covers a wide span of time, moving from the seventeenth to the late nineteenth century.

University Associate Professor in Modern Japanese Politics and International Relations

Dr Nilsson-Wright is happy to supervise graduate students who wish to work on East Asian politics, international relations and diplomatic history, particularly with reference to Japan, North and South Korea and US relations with Northeast Asia.

Research interests: Cold War relationship between the USA & NE Asia, particularly Japan & the two Koreas; contemporary regional security issues, foreign policy & domestic politics

University Associate Professor in Modern Japanese Studies

Dr Steger welcomes inquiries from talented young scholars to work under her supervision. She is willing and able to supervise a wide range of topics related to Japanese contemporary society. Please contact her by e-mail prior to application and submit a draft research proposal (ask for guidelines).

Research interests: Japanese society, with emphasis on the cultural history and anthropology of daily life, including studies of sleep, gender, household waste (incl. plastics) and the impact of the 2011 tsunami.

On sabbatical: October, 2024 to September, 2025
Joseph Needham Professor of Chinese History, Science and Civilization

Chinese thought; pre-imperial and early imperial cultural history; natural history; classical Chinese language.

Prof. Sterckx will be on research leave during the academic year 2024-25 and is unable to take new students or host visiting scholars during that period.

Research interests: Classical and literary Chinese language and philology; cultural history of pre-imperial and early imperial China; text and manuscript studies

Professor of Modern Chinese History

Prof van de Ven is happy to supervise graduate students in a range of topics relating to modern Chinese history. He is interested in the history of war, the history of the Chinese Communist Party, and economic and political history. 

Prof van de Ven is not currently taking any MPhil students.

Research interests: History of the Chinese Communist Party before 1949; the history of warfare in modern China; Chinese globalization in the 1850-1950 period

Kawashima University Associate Professor in Japanese Literature and Culture

Dr Young is pleased to supervise graduate students interested in modern and contemporary Japanese and Okinawan literature, particularly where linked to themes and issues of imperialism, decolonisation, gender and sexuality, multilinguality, and translation.    

Research interests: Modern and contemporary Japanese literature; Okinawan studies; writing by minorities in Japan; postcolonial studies; feminist criticism; translation theory.

University Associate Professor in Classical Chinese and Middle Period China

Dr Ling Zhang 張玲  is interested in working with postgraduate research students who seek to study middle-period China with interests in political economy, science and technology, environment and ecology, as well as the relationship between ecology and diverse knowledge systems (official knowledge, vernacular knowledge, embodied know-how, tools and infrastructure, medicine and healing, religious and cultural practices, etc.). She is also interested in working with students who wish to explore the above-mentioned issues in comparative contexts. 

Research interests: middle-period China; political economy, science and technology, environment and ecology, as well as the relationship between ecology and diverse knowledge systems (official knowledge, vernacular knowledge, embodied know-how, tools and infrastructure, medicine and healing, religious and cultural practices, etc.).

Supervisors - South Asian Studies

Professor of Sanskrit

Prof. Vergiani is happy to supervise graduate students on work relating to his research.

Research interests: History of linguistic ideas and the philosophy of language in ancient India, including the role of grammar in the history of Sanskrit

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