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Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies


Course Description 2023-24

This is an advanced seminar-based course focusing on contemporary Japanese society. The focus will vary from year to year, such as questions of learning and education, family, time, space, gender or the like, investigating these topics from a wide range of angles. In each instance the emphasis will be on situating the study of Japan within the disciplinary context of Social Anthropology and Sociology.

In the academic year 2023-2024 the topic is ‘Night-time and sleep’.

The course is aimed at deepening students’ understanding of (selected aspects of) Japanese society as well as developing research and writing skills. It will involve working with both secondary and primary source material.

Form and Conduct

The coursework that constitutes this paper’s assessment consists of one research essay, of between 6,000 and 7,500 words, including footnotes and excluding bibliography. Each student will develop the topic of the essay in consultation with the instructor. A one-page topic and paper outline plus a bibliography will be due during the first class session of Lent Term. One electronic copy (pdf) of the research essay shall be submitted to the Programmes Administrator in the Faculty Office so as to arrive not later than the division of Full Easter Term.


This description is subject to change, for the latest information, students should consult the Undergraduate Handbook available on the Faculty Intranet.

Terms taught
Michaelmas, Lent, Easter
Michaelmas, Lent, Easter
Michaelmas, Lent, Easter