Wealth and the Image of the Umayyads in the Sermons Attributed to Abū Hamza (d. 748) Hannah-Lena Hagemann (ed.) & Alasdair Grant (ed.) (ed.) Between Rebels and Rulers in the Early Islamicate World: Power, Contention and Identity (2024) pp. 265–89 (2024) |
Umayyad History Christopher Kleinhenz (ed.) & Deborah Tor (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies: Medieval Studies (2024) |
H. F. Amedroz; R. B. Serjeant Charles Melville (ed.) A Short History of the Gibb Memorial Trust and Its Trustees: A Century of Oriental Scholarship pp. 46-49; 158–169 (2023) |
Kinship, Dynasty, and the Umayyads Maaike van Berkel (ed.) & Letizia Osti (ed.) The Historian of Islam at Work: Essays in Honour of Hugh N. Kennedy pp. 12-45 (2022) |
Bede, Ibn Isḥāq, and the idols: narratives of conversion at late antique edges Phil Booth and Mary Whitby (ed.) Mélanges James Howard-Johnston. Travaux et Mémoires 26. pp. 315-339 (2022) |
The Islamic World: Conquest, Migration and Accommodating Diversity; The Islamic World: Community, Leadership and Contested Patterns of Continuity; The Islamic World: Nomads, Urban Elites and Courts in Comparison (with Eric Hanne & Jo Van Steenbergen) Catherine Holmes (ed.) & Jonathan Shepard (ed.) & Jo Van Steenbergen (ed.) & Björn Weiler (ed.) Political Culture in the Latin West, Byzantium and the Islamic World, c.700–c.1500: A Framework for Comparing Three Spheres pp. 212–48, 330–64 & 456–486 (2021) |
The Caliphate Peter Fibiger Bang (ed.) & Walter Scheidel (ed.) The Oxford History of World Empire. Volume II: The History of Empires (2021) |
Introduction: The Umayyad World Andrew Marsham (ed.) The Umayyad World (2021) |
The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity (Area Editor, Area Advisor and Contributor) Oliver Nicholson (ed.) (2018) |
Some Observations on Commerce and Covenant in the Qur'an Near Eastern and Arabian Essays: Studies in Honour of John F. Healey, Journal of Semitic Studies, Supplement 41 pp. 303-313 (2018) |
Introduction: Umayyad Elites and the Foundation of the Islamic Empire (with Alain George) Dr Andrew Marsham (ed.) & Professor Alain George (ed.) Power, Patronage and Memory in Early Islam: Perspectives from Umayyad History pp. xiii-xx (2018) |
God’s Caliph' Revisited: Umayyad Political Thought in its Late Antique Context Dr Andrew Marsham (ed.) & Professor Alain George (ed.) Power, Patronage and Memory in Early Islam: Perspectives from Umayyad History pp. 3-37 (2018) |
The First Islamic Chronicle: the Chronicle of Khalīfa b. Khayyāṭ (d. AD 854) (with Tobias Andersson) Michele Campopiano (ed.) & Henry Bainton (ed.) Universal Chronicles in the High Middle Ages (2017) |
Constructing the Umayyads: From Mecca to Madīnat al-Zahrāʾ Al-Masāq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean ("Special Issue: Constructing the Umayyads: from Mecca to Madīnat al-Zahrāʾ", edited by Ann Christys) 28.1 pp. 1–5 (2016) |
The Crescent and the Sword The Story of the Holy Land: Three Thousand Years of Faith, War and Conquest ("BBC History Magazine") pp. 50–55 (2015) |
Attitudes to the Use of Fire in Executions in Late Antiquity and Early Islam: the burning of heretics and rebels in late Umayyad Iraq Robert Gleave (ed.) & István Kristó-Nagy (ed.) Violence in Islamic Thought: From the Qurʾān to the Mongols pp. 106-127 (2015) |
The Past in the Early and Medieval Islamic Middle East (c. 750–c. 1250) Kurt Raaflaub (ed.) Historiography in the Ancient World pp. 314-339 (2014) |
The Architecture of Allegiance in Early Islamic Late Antiquity: the accession of Mu‘awiya in Jerusalem, c. 661 CE Alexander Beihammer et al. (ed.) Court Ceremonies and Rituals of Power in Byzantium and the Medieval Mediterranean: Comparative Perspectives pp. 87–112 (2014) |
Universal Histories in Christendom and the Islamic World, c.700–c.1400 Sarah Foot (ed.) & Chase F. Robinson (ed.) The Oxford History of Historical Writing. Volume Two: 600–1400 (2012) |
The Pact (Amana) between Mu‘awiya ibn Abi Sufyan and ‘Amr ibn al-‘As (656 or 658 CE): ‘Documents’ and the Islamic Historical Tradition Journal of Semitic Studies 57:1 pp. 69–96 (2012) |
Public Execution in the Umayyad Period: Early Islamic Punitive Practice and Its Late Antique Context Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies 11:4 pp. 101-136 (2011) |
Historiography Andrew Rippin (ed.) & John O. Voll (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies: Islamic Studies (2009) |
The Early Caliphate and the Inheritance of Late Antiquity, c. 610–750 Philip Rousseau (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Late Antiquity pp. 479-492 (2009) |
The Safe-Conduct for the Abbasid ‘Abd Allāh b. ‘Ali (d. 764) Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 70:2 pp. 247-281 (2007) |
'Those who make war on God and His Messenger': some implications of recent scholarship on rebellion, banditry and state formation in early Islam Al-‘Usur al-Wusta 17:2 pp. 29-31 (2005) |