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Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies


For applicants
Japanese Studies Travel Fund
For PG current students

Japanese Studies at Cambridge University is proud to be able to offer a wide range of full and partial funding to outstanding applicants. For more information on our generous sponsors please see our Japan and the World Sponsors.


With thanks to the tremendous generosity of our funders, we are thrilled to announce that we have additional funding available for postgraduate studies (MPhil and PhD) in Japanese Studies. To be eligible, applications must be received by no later than Tuesday, 15th April 2025. Please see below for more information.

*Please note that this opportunity applies to internal sources of funding ONLY and not to external funding or small grants.


*To be eligible for Japanese Studies scholarships applicants will have to demonstrate that they are also applying to all other suitable scholarships both external and internal to the university.

Internal funding

Source Course Eligibility Value Deadline Contact
Cambridge Toshiba Japan and the World Graduate Scholarship PhD in Japanese Studies Prospective applicants to PhD in Japanese Studies. With preference for applicants whose research aims to place Japan within the wider context of the world. Tenable at any College. University tuition fees and living costs. In line with University funding deadline. See PG application pages for more information.

Dr Vicky Young

Japan and the World Graduate Scholarships PhD / MPhil in Japanese Studies Awarded based on merit. 1-3 years ranging from full to partial scholarship. In line with University funding deadline. See PG application pages for more information.
Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation Scholarships PhD / MPhil in Japanese Studies Preference for UK or EU students. £10,000 granted for one year, can be repeated for maximum 3 years. In line with University funding deadline. See PG application pages for more information.
The Quick Japan and the World Graduate Scholarship PhD in Japanese Studies This scholarship is available to PhD applicants of any nationality pursuing a PhD in Asian & Middle Eastern Studies (Japanese Studies) at the University of Cambridge. It is tenable at any College. University tuition fees and living costs. In line with University funding deadline. See PG application pages for more information.
Kaho Cambridge Graduate Scholarship in Japanese Studies PhD in Japanese Studies This scholarship is available to applicants for a PhD in the Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies whose research aims to place Japan within the wider context of the world. It is tenable at any College. University tuition fees and living costs. In line with University funding deadline. See PG application pages for more information.
Hiroyuki Nakagawa Cambridge Graduate Scholarship in Japanese Studies PhD in Japanese Studies This scholarship is available to PhD applicants of any nationality pursuing a PhD in Asian & Middle Eastern Studies (Japanese Studies) at the University of Cambridge. It is tenable at any College. University tuition fees and living costs. In line with University funding deadline. See PG application pages for more information.
The Iain Drayton Tsurugi no Kai MPhil Studentship in Japanese Studies MPhil in Japanese Studies This fund supports MPhil students studying Japanese Studies, with a preference for those whose research focuses on modern Japanese language and literature. A preference is given to students who nominate Trinity Hall as their first-choice College at the University. University tuition fees and living costs. In line with University funding deadline. See PG application pages for more information.

External funding and small grant sources

Source Course Eligibility Value Deadline Contact
Aoi Global Research Award PhD Japanese Studies Current students only. Must have passed first year progress exams. 500,000 yen Applications have now closed for 2024

Dr Laura Moretti

For more information on the Aoi Global Research Award 

BAJS Conference Attendance Support for Postgraduate Students.  PhD Japanese Studies Must be member of BAJS Varies 15 April, 15 October in any given year BAJS Website
Daiwa Foundation PhD and MPhil Japanese Studies British citizens with a degree in Japanese Studies Fees and living costs. Check website for application deadline
Japan Foundation PhD Japanese Studies *For research in Japan our PhD students have been successful in applying to the Japan Foundation

Discount economy round-trip airfare to Japan.

Stipend and other allowances

Check website for application deadline Japan Foundation Website

Trinity Hall - Iain Drayton Studentship for Japanese Studies

MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Japanese Studies) The studentship is open to Home, EU and Overseas applicants Fees and maintenance Check website for application deadline Trinity Hall Website
Trinity College - Crawford PhD Studentship PhD Course at the University of Cambridge in in Asian or Middle Eastern Studies with a preference for Japanese Eligible candidates must have applied to the University of Cambridge for admission to a PhD and only be liable for University fees at the Home rate. 1. Postgraduate Course Fees,
2. Maintenance allowance (at the UKRI rate) for 3.5 years
3. Research Emolument (£450 per annum)
In line with University funding deadline. See PG application pages for more information. More information available soon


Japanese Studies Travel Fund

Owing to the kind support and initiative of former students and staff, the Japanese Studies subject group is now able to offer limited funding to Japanese Studies students travelling to Japan for their Year Abroad.

This limited fund is designed to assist students who are:

1.    In receipt of a college bursary, or can demonstrate financial need
2.    Performing well in their studies

Applicants should write up a brief paragraph outlining their need for travel support and year abroad plan. Applicants must ask their tutor and DoS to provide a brief comment, and signature, endorsing this application.

Please send a completed copy of the form below to Freddie Semple (fs468) in the FAMES faculty office by 23 August, 2024

Application form (pdf)

If you have any questions about the grant, or application, please get in touch with Freddie Semple, Japanese Studies Administrator, via the email address above.


Current postgraduate students

For MPhil students currently enrolled on the Japanese Studies Course the Japanese Studies group is happy to be able to offer a research allowance of £500 to be used for the purchase of books and attending conferences pertinent to their area of study. Claims must be submitted using the expenses claim form. Send completed forms to Freddie Semple (Japanese Studies Administrative Assistant)

For PhD students currently enrolled on the Japanese Studies Course the Japanese Studies Group is happy to be able to offer a research allowance of £3000 over the course of 4 years to be used for the purchase of books and attending conferences pertinent to their area of study. Claims must be submitted using the expenses claim form. Send completed forms to Freddie Semple (Japanese Studies Administrative Assistant)

Submitting an expenses claim

  1. Fill in the expenses claim form linked above. If you are unsure whether your claim can be covered by the research allowance please check with your supervisor. If it is your first expenses claim please include your student number somewhere in your correspondence (this is only necessary the first time).
  2. Attach supporting receipts. 
    • For claims in currencies other than GBP please do not convert the currency. However, if you have evidence of the actual cost to you in GBP (i.e, the relevant line of a bank statement etc.) then please feel free to include this and make the claim in GBP.
    • For receipts in any language other than English a translation of the basic information must be included (date, items claimed for, total amount in local currency)
    • For claims including a large number of receipts please also attach a spreadsheet listing: date, items claimed for, total amount
  3. Provide proof of your bank details for transfer via BACS (this should only be necessary for the first claim). The ‘evidence’ must show the account holder’s name, account number and sort code. It is desirable to cover all other information – transactions and balance (this is known as a redacted statement). A download/screen-print/photo/pdf of the bank statement (redacted) is acceptable.