Japanese Studies Scholarships provided by the Aoi Foundation of Japan
Aoi Scholars from Japanese institutions
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The Aoi Global Research Award, initiated in 2014, is generously provided by the Aoi Foundation of Japan. Each year we will be able to offer ¥500,000 to three postgraduate students in Japanese Studies. The scholarship is intended to support travel and research in Japan and can be used anytime after the student has passed their first year PhD review. The scholarship does not come with any visa provisions because it is intended for short-term use (less than 3 months).
One scholarship comes with an affiliation to Keio University through their Graduate School of System Design and Management and students will able to use the Keio library. The second scholarship comes with an affiliation to Kyoto University and will offer use of their library as well. The third scholarship comes with an affiliation to Waseda University. There may be subsidized housing available at Keio if students apply early enough.
Even though students will have an affiliation with Keio and Kyoto, the award does not require that research be conducted in either city (though this is recommended) and students conducting research within any field in Japanese studies (modern or pre-modern) are encouraged to apply. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with Prof Laura Moretti directly.
Eligibility: these scholarships are only available for graduate students currently enrolled in the Japanese Studies Section of this Faculty. Only those who have passed their first year progress exams are eligible to apply. Students who have submitted or are about to submit their dissertation but have not yet passed their viva at the time of application are also eligible to apply.
How to apply: application deadlines are usually in early August each year; applications for the current round of scholarships have now closed.
Submission Guidelines: in support of your application, you must provide
- A full CV, including publications, talks, experience, etc.
- A 1-2 page research proposal.
- A financial plan detailing how and when the scholarship funds will be used, explaining your financial need, and how the funding will assist in the advancement of your dissertation scholarship.
- The following details
- Name
- Year of degree course at Cambridge (you need to have passed through first year progress exams)
- Research topic
- Period of proposed stay(s) in Japan
Please note: on completion of the scholarship applicants will be required to write up and submit a 1-2 page summary in Japanese of the research conducted and a paragraph in English for our website.
Cambridge Aoi Scholars
Elena FolladorThanks to the Aoi Foundation scholarship, Elena Follador was able to go to Japan twice during her second year of PhD to collect the primary sources essential for her dissertation on early modern Japanese literature. Elena Made use of her second trip to visit private collections and to use the library of the affiliated Keio University to access secondary sources not available in the UK. |
Rosa van HensbergenThrough the generous support of the Aoi Foundation, I spent several months in Tokyo researching the work of choreographer Hijikata Tatsumi. This was extended to a period of five and a half months with the help of a JSPS pre-doctoral fellowship. My aim was to reconstruct the scores of at least two of Hijikata’s performances: Story of Smallpox and Costume in Front, and to establish relations between these scores and the notational records housed in the Hijikata Archive. Working with dancers who performed in these works—Waguri Yukio, Yamamoto Moe, and Kobayashi Saga—and with the Hijikata Archive, I was largely able to complete this task. Alongside this, I gave a number of talks through Keio University, where the archive is housed: a lecture to undergraduates in Japanese on contemporary American and European dance, a lecture in English to visiting students from Thailand introducing Hijikata’s butoh dance, and a talk in Japanese to the Nishiwaki Junzaburō society on Nishiwaki and T.S. Eliot. In September, my research collective POHRC (Perspectives on Hijikata Research Collective) worked with the Hijikata archive and Kamaitachi Museum to organize a workshop, screening, and performance event in Akita focusing on Hijikata’s work. |
Mujeeb KhanOn 21st January, 2016 Mujeeb Khan, a Graduate Student at the Faculty, received the Aoi Global Research Award from the Aoi Scholarship Foundation in a short ceremony at its headquarters in Nakano, Tokyo. In Michaelmas 2015 Mujeeb attended the Aoi Luncheon at Cambridge with last previous awardee, Aiko Otsuka, members from the Aoi Scholarship Foundation , and faculty members from the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. On 1st February, 2016 he gave an academic talk in Japanese entitled "Japan as seen through Ishinpō" at Keio University's Hiyoshi Campus at the Graduate School of System Design and Management, to which he is officially affiliated as a research student for the duration of his stay, coordinated through the Aoi Global Research Award Program. Mujeeb has consequently featured in the Aoi Scholarship Foundation magazine. |
Aiko OtsukaAiko Otsuka was the first recipient of the Aoi Scholarship at Cambridge University Aiko writes: As part of my PhD thesis in Japanese history, I have been working on the identity of military officers and soldiers who fought in the Asia-Pacific theatre during WWII. A generous grant from the Aoi Scholarship Foundation enabled me to conduct extensive archival research in Tokyo, Japan, in the spring of 2015 and to travel frequently to important archives, such as the Yasukuni Archives (Yasukuni Kaiko Bunko), the Military Archives in the National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS) and the National Archives of Japan. As a result of this research experience I was able to identify and collect a substantial amount of essential military-related materials from the period between the 1930s and the 1960s. 私は、ケンブリッジ大学博士課程・東アジア研究科に所属し、第二次世界大戦中、アジア・太平洋地域の戦闘に参加した旧軍人のアイデンティティーについて研究しています。この度、青井奨学会の第一回奨学生に選出していただき、日本での研究費補助として奨学金を支給していただきました。2014年秋から2015年春にかけて日本に滞在し、靖国偕行文庫、防衛省防衛研究所戦史研究センター、国立公文書館等で資料調査を行いました。各資料館では、1930年代から1960年代にかけて作成された旧陸軍や戦犯裁判関連の貴重な資料を多数収集することができ、大変有意義な研究調査を行うことができました。 |
Nanase ShirotaMy PhD research project is an ethnographic investigation of listening behaviour in Japan to provide a better understanding of human interaction and the dynamics of Japanese communication. I am planning to carry out three different observations of occupational listeners in my three months of fieldwork supported by the Aoi scholarship. First, I will work as a hostess in a hostess club, Tokyo, to observe communications between hostesses and customers. Second, I will work as an active listening volunteering member to understand a different type of listening. Third, I will regularly visit bars to observe bartenders and customers. Hostesses, active listening volunteers and bartenders are said to be good listeners in Japan, and so I focus on them. I aim to analyse how power relations, including gender, occupation, generation and the presence of money, influence listeners' unwritten rules, what a good listener is and what being a good listener means in Japan. |
Chris TsoMy PhD project is a sociological investigation of contemporary male grooming practices in Japan with particular focus on how salarymen (male white-collar workers) care for and understand their bodies. With the support of the Aoi Scholarship, I plan to conduct fieldwork in Tokyo, interviewing salarymen about their bodily practices and how they negotiate ideal appearance. I will also interview those in the beauty industries, such as cosmetics manufacturers and publishing, in order to better understand how ideal male appearance is produced and sold.
Fieldwork Report:With the support of the Aoi Global Research Award I conducted ethnographic fieldwork in Tokyo from December 2017 till March 2018 for my PhD research, a sociological investigation of men’s grooming practices in contemporary Japan. My fieldwork consisted of two main parts; first, to explore men white-collar workers’ (sararîman) everyday practices and experiences in relation to grooming and appearance. Second, to better understand, through insider accounts, how the beauty industry operates and its influence on ordinary individuals.
I completed semi-structured interviews with twenty-three sararîman, employed in various industries with regards to appearance and bodily care and their relation with corporate culture. Some preliminary findings include participants performing a multitude of bodily practices in order to conform to explicit or implicit corporate rules which then disciplines them to be constantly aware of their own and others appearance. Interviews with eight people in the beauty/grooming industry were conducted. These included those working for cosmetic manufacturers, shaving manufacturers, advertising agencies and men’s fashion/lifestyle magazine editors. I was able to obtain accounts of
how these companies approach profiting from selling men’s grooming products which will provide useful to better understand their role in (re)producing social norms related to appearance.
The data gathered from this fieldwork, the second of three trips, will form the basis of my dissertation. I wish to thank the Aoi Foundation for their generosity in supporting my research.
Aoi Scholars from Japan
Eugenia Hui,
Wu Shuping,
Urara Satake