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Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies


Required reading for Japanese Studies

  •  David Pilling. Bending Adversity: Japan and the Art of Survival. London: Penguin, 2014.
  •  Sugimoto, Yoshio. An Introduction to Japanese Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (5th edition), 2015.  
  •  Kato Shuichi & Don Sanderson. A History of Japanese Literature: From the Manyoshu to Modern Times. (Abridged Edition). London: Routledge, 1997. 
  • Rubin, Jay (ed.). The Penguin Book of Japanese Short Stories. London: Penguin, 2018.
  •  For Japanese language, students are expected to know hiragana and katakana before the start of Michaelmas Term. Information will be sent to students directly.  

Required reading for East Asian History

  • Edward Said, Orientalism. London: Penguin, 2003. (If this edition is not available, any edition will suffice)
  • Ebrey, P., The Cambridge Illustrated History of China. Cambridge UP.
  • Kyung Moon Hwang, A History of Korea. Palgrave Macmillan.

Further recommended readings

  • Friday, Karl F. (ed.). Japan Emerging: Premodern History to 1850. Westview Press, 2012.
  •  Shirane, Haruo, Suzuki, Tomi and Lurie, David (eds.) The Cambridge History of Japanese Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
  • Haruo Shirane (ed.). Traditional Japanese Literature: An Anthology, Beginnings to 1600, Abridged Edition. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. Available on Kindle.
  • Haruo Shirane (ed.). Early Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology, 1600-1900. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002. Available on Kindle.
  • Shirane, Haruo (ed.), Traditional Japanese literature : An anthology, beginnings to 1600  (Translations from the Asian classics). New York ; Chichester: Columbia University Press, 2007.
  •  Hendry, Joy. Understanding Japanese Society. London: Routledge (4th edition), 2012.
  • Hood, Christopher. Japan. The Basics. London: Routledge, 2014 (
  •  Steger, Brigitte and Angelika Koch (eds.). Manga Girl Seeks Herbivore Boy. Studying Japanese Gender at Cambridge. Zurich: Lit, 2013.
  • Steger, Brigitte and Angelika Koch (eds). Cool Japanese Men. Studying New Masculinities at Cambridge. Zurich: Lit, 2017.
  •  Steger, Brigitte, Angelika Koch and Christopher Tso. Beyond Kawaii: Studying Japanese Femininities at Cambridge. Lit., 2020.
  • Goossen, Ted (ed.). The Oxford Book of Japanese Short Stories. (Oxford University Press, 2010)
  • Ramon Pacheco Pardo and Victor Cha. Korea: A new history of South and North . Yale University Press, 2024)