China Research Seminar
Easter Term, 2021
This Term, all seminars take the form of an online webinar on Wednesdays at 5pm (UK time). Advance registration for each event is required in order to receive joining information.
Wednesday, 12th May, 2021
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Sinophobia and Spiritual Warfare in Contemporary Vietnam
Dr Tam NGO, Max Planck Institute, Göttingen and NIOD (Netherlands Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences), Amsterdam
Registration for this event
Thursday, 20th May, 2021
Please note the change of day for this week's event
Panel Discussion - The Chinese Communist Party: a Century in Ten Lives
Timothy Cheek, University of British Columbia
Klaus Mühlhahn, Zeppelin University
Hans van de Ven, University of Cambridge
Registration for this event
Wednesday, 26th May, 2021 at 3pm (UK time)
Please note the change of time for this week's event
Chinese Grammatology - Script Revolution and Literary Modernity, 1916–1958
Dr Yurou ZHONG, University of Toronto
Registration for this event
For further information, contact:
Dr Adam Yuet Chau
Reader in the Anthropology of China
Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
Or see the China Cambridge Facebook Page