China research Seminar
Easter Term, 2019
Unless otherwise arranged, all seminars take place on Wednesdays at 5pm in rooms 8 & 9 in the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. Tea will be served at the same venue at 4:45pm. All are welcome. Attendees are welcome to join us for the post-talk dinner afterwards at a local restaurant. The maximum student contribution to the cost of the meal is capped at £10.
Wednesday, 1st May, 2019
Confucius Unearthed: New Perspectives on the Master from the Shanghai Museum Manuscripts
Prof. Scott Cook, Tan Chin Tuan Professor of Chinese Studies, Yale-NUS College, Singapore -
Friday, 3rd May, 2019
Other Cosmopolitans, China and Beyond
Prof. Yan Haiping, Professor of Cross-Cultural Studies, Tsinghua Academy -
Wednesday, 8th May, 2019
Making China Modern
Prof. Klaus Muhlhahn, Vice President, Freie Universitaet, Berlin -
Monday, 13th May, 2019
First Chuan Lyu Lecture
Religion and Resistance in Colonial Taiwan: The Ta-pa-ni Incident of 1915
Prof. Paul R. Katz, Academia Sinica, Taiwan -
Wednesday, 15th May, 2019
Second Chuan Lyu Lecture
Judicial Rituals in Postwar Taiwan
Prof. Paul R. Katz, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
For further information, contact:
Prof. Hans van de Ven FBA
Professor of Modern Chinese History
Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
Or see the China Cambridge Facebook Page