China Research Seminar Series talk given by Prof. Klaus Muhlhahn, Vice President, Freie Universitaet, Berlin
Professor Muehlhahn will be talking about his new book, Making China Modern, published this January by Harvard University Press. The book provides a long duree interpretation of China's recent resurgence, not as the somewhat fortuitous result of fortuitous geopolitical moment and the post-Cultural Revolution domestic political context.
Klaus Muehlhahn is Vice President of the Freie Universitaet Berlin. One of his earlier works, Criminal Justice in China was the recipient of the 2009 Fairbank Prize, one of the most prestigious in the China Studies field. He has also written 'Musterkolonie Kiautschou': Die Expansion des Deutsches Reiches in China and Geschichte, Frauenbild, und Kulturelles Gedaechtnis: Der ming-zeitliche Roman Shuihu zhuan.