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Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Room LG18, Law Faculty (Sidgwick Site)
Event date: 
Thursday, 2 March, 2023 - 14:00
Event organiser: 

China Research Seminar Series talk given by Prof. Hans van de Ven, University of Cambridge

This talk places the Nationalist-Communist united front in China in an international context, not just that of international communism as directed by Moscow but also of left-wing movements in Europe, India, and Indonesia.

One result of the failure of united front movements around the world was that the Soviet Union withdrew from Asia and Europe, leaving China to face Japan alone and the UK and France to fight Germany initially without Soviet support.

Because European governments failed to support them, the united fronts also strengthened anti-imperialist movements in European empires..

Hans van de Ven earned his BA in Sinology at Leiden University and a Ph.D. in History and East Asian Studies at Harvard University. He has spent his whole professional academic career at the University of Cambridge. He has written on the Chinese Communist Party, China’s Second World War, and the Chinese Maritime Customs Service. Currently he spends four months of every academic year as Visiting Chair Professor at Peking University.

Professor Adam Yuet Chau: