TATEKAWA Shinoharu 立川志の春 is a Rakugo (Japanese traditional comic storytelling) performer born in Osaka, Japan. He spent a total of 7 years in the U.S during his childhood and college years.After graduating from Yale University, he worked in Mitsui & Co. Ltd for three years. In 2002, he was so greatly impressed and inspired when he went to Shinosuke Tatekawa's Rakugo performance, that he decided to give up his corporate career to become a professional Rakugo performer himself by taking up a discipleship with Shinosuke.
After training in the art of Rakugo for seventeen years, he was promoted to "Shin-uchi" (a master rank Rakugo performer). He performs traditional stories and original stories, both in Japanese and English. Presently, he travels around Japan and the world to bring Rakugo to audiences around the world. Aside from his performances, he has published three books, including an English Rakugo CD book.
Shinoharu’s YouTube Channel:
The two stories that Shinoharu will perform are: Manju kowai and Neko no sainan. He will perform in Japanese. Those intereted to find out more about Neko no sainan can watch Shinoharu talk about this story on his YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaXQ51ExqrE
The public performance will be followed by a workshop with students from our Faculty, with a view to discuss how early modern short humorous stories have been turned into fully-fledged rakugo performances.