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Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

25 October 2023
Prof Zhao gave a presentation in Chinese concerning the details of his new nationally-funded project concerning the history of CCP propaganda materials: 「日本所蔵中国共産党のプロパガンダ史料の収集と研究(1921-1945)」

At Corpus Christi College Professor Barak Kushner and a few of his graduate students (On I Lam, Mariah Zhong, Naomi Watanabe, and Siqi Hua) received Prof Zhao Xinli (趙新利) of Communications University (传媒大学) in Beijing, China. Prof Zhao gave a presentation in Chinese concerning the details of his new nationally-funded project concerning the history of CCP propaganda materials: 「日本所蔵中国共産党のプロパガンダ史料の収集と研究(1921-1945)」. Prof Zhao was accompanied by several other directors of programs from his university and a full discussion on future research collaboration developed over coffee and tasty Chelsea buns from nearby Fitzbillies.