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Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Old Common Room
Event date: 
Thursday, 4 May, 2023 - 17:15
Event organiser: 

MES Seminar Series talk given by Umberto Bongianino, University of Oxford

This talk will focus on a little-studied corpus of epigraphic textiles woven and embroidered for the shrines of various Moroccan saints, and particularly for the zāwiya of Idrīs II in Fes.

By considering their materiality as objects of devotion, the socio-economic aspects of their production, and the manifold messages conveyed by their inscriptions, we shall explore the notion of Muslim sanctity and its deep connection with the charisma of Muḥammad and the performance of the Ḥajj.

For further information, contact:

Garbrielle Russo (E-mail:


Gabrielle Russo: