Published by the East Asia Institute, University of Cambridge
Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DA
Copyright © Haruko Laurie and Richard Bowring
First published 2002
Designed in Palatino and Heisei minchō
ISBN: 0-9543486-0-5
Printed and bound by University Printing Services
Cambridge University Press
- At the Post Office 郵便局にて
- At the Bank (1) 銀行にて(1)
- At the Bank (2) 銀行にて(2)
- Let's go and eat (1) 食べに行こう!(1)
- Let's go and eat (2) 食べに行こう!(2)
- Study Abroad 留学
- Homestay ホームステイ
- Internship 企業研修
- Falling ill 病
- Breaking a leg 骨折
- Here and there こそあど
- What! Grammar again? えっ、又文法?
- Newspapers 新聞
- Atomic bomb 原子爆弾
- Cheating カンニング
- The half-curtain のれん
- 'The wrong end of the stick' 思い込み
- Manners 作法
- Being even-handed 二刀流
- Who's who? ふーずふー
- Lesson 1
- Lesson 2
- Lesson 3
- Lesson 4
- Lesson 5
- Lesson 6
- Lesson 7
- Lesson 8
- Lesson 9
- Lesson 10
- Lesson 11
- Lesson 12
- Lesson 13
- Lesson 14
- Lesson 15
- Lesson 16
- Lesson 17
- Lesson 18
- Lesson 19
- Lesson 20