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Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

03 May 2024
Kanda Yoko and Tatekawa Shinoharu brought their captivating performances to FAMES on Wednesday 1 May 2024

The second of three events in a series organised by Professor Laura Moretti saw Japanese Studies students from all years taking part in a day-long workshop.

During the morning session the students had a special language class where they worked on texts and vocabulary that they would encounter during the after noon workshop with the visiting performers.

Then, after lunch, was a workshop with the performers. In the first half students worked on a rakugo story with Master Shinoharu. In the second half they moved to a kōdan with Master Yōko. All in Japanese, of course.

The event was attended by members of the Japanese media and a short clip appeared on Japanese TV  日テレニュース (watch below)

A big well done to the students for getting involved, and thank you Master Yoko and Master Shinoharu for their excellent performances. And of thanks to Professor Moretti for her hard work in bringing traditional Japanese storytelling to Cambridge.